It was this Friday that after a lot of acclamation I saw the movie ‘A wednesday’, the movie had nothing new, except the conclusion, which had this tremendous connectivity with all the citizens of our Nation, who can’t do anything than just showcasing their anger by supporting such movies. And the very next day something happened which was devastating, connecting but as usual, The Delhi blasts. It was the first time that my insecurity level raised up, Kashmir, Orissa, Bihar, Delhi..Same same but different. Life moves on for everyone, except for those who are stuck here. People call it high spirit, I call them immune, though it’s not their fault, for sacrificing emotions is not a big aloofness anymore. You receiving & calling for concern to people whom you know and taking a sigh of relief hearing their voice in spite of seeing dead bodies floating around, with cameras flashing and politi
cians highlighting themselves just every now and then, yet the members of their party make sure to mark their presence in uniform and yet the people can forget the incident in few hours and dance till they drop to the loudest bollywood music for Ganeshvisarjan. Seems like a movie, But I still wonder is there an alternative like a 3 hour movie to pause our anger forever? But unfortunately Life moves on and so do we with all compromises in hand.

gud 2 c u here......keep bloggin............
thisz my blog, tk a luk @ it.....
nywaz kp rockin gazab gitu..........tk cr....god bless.
As a Indian i feel we should take the responsibilty to fight against terrorism & to fight we need to remove communal feeling from inside because terrorist have no religion they have only one religion which is terror. we should not judge them by name & to fight against them we need full support from our politicians & media.
Politician can support by not to speak on any stage which is contain any particular religion or society in the sense of anger & our electronic & print media should not broadcast & print such material in which any leader or any famous personality commented on perticular religion they should edit that part by doing this i believe it help us to unite the India as Indian
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