Inspired from my father Mr. T.D. Nenwani, my aim turned out to work for the upliftment of the society, with no specification of how, what, where, when etc…And with blurred ambition, I started off writing bits for several print mediums & finally one day thought to come up with a youth fun magazine called “Phokat Times” (, in partnership with two close friends. The aim of the magazine was to give sarcastic comments on social issues and to distribute it free in all colleges, as well as at youth hangout spots and to invite them blogging for the same. The magazine was a hit buzz in a place like Bhopal, but to work over its finances, seems challenging. It was after the launch of two successful editions, that I got an offer by a newly launched radio channel, 94.3 My Fm to be a part as a Radio Jockey, luckily for a youth time band. With an amazing experience in this field for more than a year, apparently, my message was very much conveying, but moreover in a sarcastic, youth style. But at the end of the day, what mattered were the delivery & its acceptance. I am also a member of “The Green Planet Bicycle Riders Association”.
With more of fun filled factors at that stage of life, there were several issues that raised, (reservations, blasts….etc) all related to politics, several questions but no answer! And probably that was the reason; every youth couldn’t control cribbing about the same, with no major inputs of efforts. And that was the “kahaani main twist”, when a happening R.j. desperately wished to be a politician. In order to see the change, I tried to change by not throwing my chewing gum wrapper on road, by turning off the computer rather than to stand up when not required, by following the traffic rules, and by being optimistic about the Indian Politics, which was the toughest of the all. Yes India isn’t working the way it should, but who stays here? Yes politicians aren’t working the way they should, but who votes them? Yes the place is damm dirty, but no alien does that! So finally I realized as a citizen of this country I matter a lot, irrespective of the bull shit fragmentation of caste, job, profile etc…
And so here I am trying hard to make a difference as a ‘Social Communication Media’ student in “Sophia Polytechnic” Mumbai.
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